Charity Tales is a project which involves interviewing individuals who worked or trained at Charity Hospital in order to create and preserve an entertaining and informative collection of these stories from the perspective of the doctors and medical students who worked and trained at this now defunct hospital. Without full permission of those doctors and medical students who contribute their stories and recollections, their stories and recollections cannot be used or cited by the authors of this project. This copyright release form makes it possible for Dr. Mark Brinker, Dr. Bo Frederick, and their successors, licensees or assigns to use the stories, recollections, and interviews gathered from former doctors and medical students at Charity to document and to celebrate the history of the hospital, and to share information gathered with the public. It is important for contributors and interviewees to give informed consent for the use of their stories and recollections, to fully understand how their stories and recollections will be used, and to know that they may at any time to refuse to participate or contribute to this effort. It is also important that contributors and interviewees understand that their contributions and interviews are not anonymous and will not be treated as such, unless they indicate and request anonymity below at the time this document is executed.

  1. The undersigned Licensor hereby grants full permission to Dr. Mark Brinker, Dr. Bo Frederick, and their successors, licensees, and assigns (the “Licensees”) to respectfully use the stories and recollections recorded by their submissions to this web site, as well as any related interviews or communications given later, for research, publication, public performance and programming, broadcasting, exhibits and other multi-media presentations on the history of Charity Hospital. As full and adequate compensation for the granting of this permission and all other rights conveyed in this agreement, I have accepted the promise of the Licensees to provide a free copy of the initial publication of the proposed book with the working title “Charity Tales,” when and if such book is initially published.
  2. I understand these contributions, interviews, or communications may be recorded, transcribed, edited, reformatted, or combined with other similar contributions, and that the resulting works may be used for educational, entertainment, and/or promotional purposes by the Licensees, including research, publication, public performance and programming, broadcasting, exhibits, and other multi-media presentations of the history of Charity Hospital. I agree that I have not included any confidential patient information in my contribution and I have taken adequate steps to protect the privacy interests of my former patients.
  3. I hereby waive any right to bring any legal action or pursue any legal claims against the Licensees for the use of the contributions and interviews for educational, entertainment, and promotional purposes including research, publication, public performance and programming, broadcasting, exhibits and other multi-media presentations and grant full ownership of the contributions and interviews to the Licensees.
  4. I assign and convey irrevocably the legal title and all literary rights or copyright which I may have to the material submitted in my contributions or interviews to Licensees. I agree that Licensees may use the material as they deem most beneficial. I understand that Licensees may digitize this material for access via the World Wide Web or for other forms of electronic distribution.
  5. I agree to indemnify the Licensees for any liability for false or defamatory statements included in my contributions or interviews, as well as any fees or expenses incurred in defending against such claims.
  6. I agree that any dispute related to or arising from this release, or to the ownership or rights to the information contained in my contributions or interviews must be resolved in the courts of the State of Texas, which shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any such disputes. I further agree that any such court shall have personal jurisdiction over me for purposes of such litigation. In the event of any such litigation brought on by me, I agree that I shall not be entitled to any attorneys’ fees or costs, unless I prevail on all claims for relief brought in such action.

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